Four Things I Discovered This Week
2. Something new to do with apple cider. I like cider, it's a fall staple, blah blah. I use it to cook and drink and such. But cold or hot, it can be on the bland side. I'm sure I'm not the first to add alcohol, but this weekend I added lemon juice for a little bite, and Fireball for a little kick. The next person who takes a seat at my fire pit is getting a mug of this, so prepare yourself. It was perfect scary movies with the lights out giant mug drinking.
3. Scary movies I missed the first time around. First was Dark Places, which wasn't really scary but a dark suspense situation. And dark it was. Literally. They could've spent less money on Charlize Theron and more money on lighting. I felt like I could've rented this on audio book at a Cracker Barrel and took a road trip. At midnight. It would've had the same effect. There was about 15 minutes of the entire movie that I could actually see. And that's not just because I'm old lady status.
Then there was It Follows. I'm late on this, it's been around for a while, but I didn't think I'd be interested. It was creepy and awkward and terrifying, mostly because of the score. It was timeless in a way that you think you can tell that it's supposed to be set in a certain time, but it's not really set in any particular time. It was the small details that got me. Kind of brilliant.
4. I want someone to be happy for once. And it's Adele. Everyone lost their minds this week when Adele's new single was released. I can't place where, but I'm sure I saw her perform "Hello" before her hiatus. Anyway, I love Adele just as much as anyone. She can stomp out time in a Chanel heel like nobody's business. I kind of preferred her when she chain smoked in ratty cardigans and self cut bangs, but I'm still paying attention. Anyway, you will rarely hear me say this but I'm kind of over that sad, pining, one that got away schtick. There are certain artists that should always be miserable. Like I hate that Ray LaMontagne is doing this happy hippy thing now. He should always be running off to a cabin in the woods, licking divorce wounds. Trent Reznor should always be just a little twisted pissed. But Adele should be transitioning to happy by now. Or at least optimistic about the prospect of getting the one that got away back. We get it Adele, a past relationship didn't work, and you have the over-singing in fall leaves black and white sads about it. But you have a new-ish baby, and a partner/boyfriend/husband? thing going on now. And obviously a gaggle of gays keeping you contoured and strobed within an inch of your life. Why the long face--still? So perk up buttercup, you're killin my buzz.
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