Seven Things I've been Up To. In No Particular Order.
1. I've met my soul mate. OK, maybe I shouldn't go that far; but I met a friend who out of the blue one day proclaimed that fajitas are obnoxious. Which is something I have always said! No one ever understands when I say this but I hate, hate, hate a fajita. First of all, they are loud for no reason and cause too much of a scene. And if one is walked past your table your hair will smell like green pepper smoke for the rest of the day/night. God forbid you are wearing anything knit when this happens, it will never come out of your clothes and even your boobs will smell like grilled meat and onions--which maybe for some people is kinda hot. But then after all of this, you still have to put them together. I don't want to put my own food together in a restaurant. That's why I'm in a restaurant.
2. I also met a boy with a Rush tattoo. And for some reason this did not stop me from talking to him.
3. I officially hate X Ambassadors. Especially that commercial song.
4. We almost lost this face. Again.
A couple of Saturdays ago I woke up to a pretty gross mess. Seven hours at the emergency vet to be told that it was "most likely cancer". So the following Monday I learned what a doggy oncologist and ultrasound is all about. Turns out it was just a VERY expensive, messy, but manageable infection. I'm pretty sure Bella is actually a cat, because she's on her eighth life.
5. The Knick. It has everything: rampant cocaine use, prostitutes, corruption, olden times inter-racial relationships, and yummy Clive Owen. Only he's not really that yummy here because he's an asshole drug addict who never wears socks with boots. Gross. Oh, and there's medical stuff that happens too.
7. I found a white eyebrow hair this morning. What. The. Fuck. I didn't pluck it out specifically so I could share it with all of you. But it's not there now, so I guess nature took its course and let the old, dead, blaring hint that I'm not getting any younger just fall out of my face.
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