Monday, June 6, 2016

40 Things That Bum Me Out

In no particular order...

1. mosquito “mouth parts”

2. road kill

3. not being able to open a banana

4. people who can’t walk in heels and choose to wear them anyway

5. Marc Jacobs lipstick

6. strangers who want to chat in public restrooms—actually this is not limited to strangers.  I don’t want to chat in the bathroom.

7. This infuriating bullshit:


8. death before 40

9. sneezing right after applying mascara

10. people who don’t vote

11. morning TV and/or radio “personalities”

12. the Yulin Dog Meat Festival

13. flip flops worn in public (in the absence of a dorm shower or body of water) as if they were a proper pair of shoes—which leads me to:

14. looking at your chipped toenail polish

15. facebook

16. crust on condiment lids

17. mumbling

18. paper cuts on my face—yes, this happens to me often enough that it made the list.

19. being the only party in a restaurant

20. reality television

21. that no one remembers there was a chick in Black Flag

22. spray tan

23. dudes who don’t wear undershirts with button-ups

24. gum smacking

25. thigh gaps

26. jealousy—usually my own, I tend to ignore everyone else’s

27. IPAs

28. excess saliva

29. sleeveless anything

30. people who walk without picking up their feet

31. non-stop yammering

32. existential loneliness

33. fleece

34. bad table manners

35. my mother

36. motherfuckers who have no interest in yielding and/or merging

37. that I never know when to use were vs. was

38. solo careers

39. long, flat butts

40. that thing when someone is just a smidge too far away for you to hold the door/elevator but you know they see you and you don’t want to be an asshole, so you have to make a split second choice between standing there for too long like a ding dong or being an asshole

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