Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I Sold My Soul to Make a Record, Dipshit...

The Billboard Music Awards. Everyone knows this is a shit show. I mean there is no academy here; these are straight up Billboard chart toppers-so everyone already knows how it ends.  Still, I can’t help but get sucked in.  I love every shitty minute of it.  But it was quite the snooze fest this year, and with half a Percocet slowly dissolving in my system I found myself too exhausted to whole-heartedly insult anyone.  So here are my milk toast observations on a milk toast show.


Why is there so much hair?  It just doesn’t make sense that Miss America would have the least amount of hair of all the women on the stage.  Raquel Welch’s wig stock just hit the fucking roof.  Side note: Miss America is allegedly 21 years old. *side eye* But I do love that her name is Betty.

Mark Cuban—thanks for dressing up.

Oh Pink.  I love you.  And I will not stop until you are my next ex-wife.  However, Just Like Fire gets a solid no from me.  I feel like I should cut you some slack because this is for a movie, and that can get tricky. But. You could’ve stayed with L.A. Reid for that shit.

Tove Love—For some reason I really want to like her, but I just can’t.  She looks like a walking blow job in the stockroom of a Payless shoe store.

Blake and Gwen.  Am I the only one who finds this embarrassing?  I mean don’t get me wrong-I’m really into that whole unexpected coupling of cowboy meets rock star, but for the love of G-d have some respect for yourselves.  Your public eye-fucking is out of hand. 

Seal, please tell me what it is you have to do with anything.  Especially Celine Dion.

Speaking of… Celine, thank you for being fully dressed.  And looking least like a drag queen or dirty toilet brush.  And actually singing.

Ariana Grande.  Could someone tell me what is so dangerous about this baby giraffe?  And, P.S. I can see your eyelash glue.

It makes me sad that Belinda Carlisle looks like a lady who lunches now. And that’s all I can say about that.

If you can’t say anything nice…

  • Troye Sivan
  • Madonna’s whole whatever that was.
  • Meghan Trainor—ok, I will say something here.  Her name is…NO.
But on a positive note:

  • I loved Rihanna, but I’m not sure how I feel about her looking showered.
  • I loved Adele’s new video.  It’s different for her and I’m into it.
  • I loved that “Post to Be” won absolutely nothing.

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