4 Things That Made Me Question The World I Live In
1. The Espys. I was completely conned by this award show. I had no idea who any of these people were, no one was pretty, they all had problems reading teleprompters... Like are these people actually good at something? Like are they capable of superhuman accomplishments using sheer force of will and Greek God like bodies? Was it like profiles in courage or something? Trash.
2. Nick Cave and family's horrible tragedy. Nick Cave is an acquired taste-like Tom Waits or Leonard Cohen. His storytelling is timeless and horrifying at the same time. He's on my list of people I want to hug just to see what would happen. (Maybe more on that next week.) My heart is broken for him and his family as news traveled that one of his twin sons died from a fall off a cliff. I cannot fathom it. Life has imitated your art and it is devastating. Love to you Nick Cave.
3. WTF, I'm totally into Shawn Mendes right now. His little song Stitches is my newest guilty pleasure. And he's Canadian. I think we all know how I feel about that. Not long ago he played in my town and I sat stuck in traffic in front of the venue staring at an unending line of gawky, brace-faced, giraffe-legged girls. And every 10 girls or so there was a woman in Keds and khakis trying desperately to be the cool Mom. And every 15 girls or so, there was a miserable looking man wishing he could be anywhere but there trying desperately not to look like he didn't want to be there for his baby giraffe's sake. I remember feeling a bond with those men--all of us stuck in the seventh circle of hell, a gridlock of rush hour traffic and 14 year old girls. I might've even locked eyes with one of them, and the look was probably not unlike something that inspired Apocalypse Now. And now here I am, betraying our brotherhood. It's a heavy, heavy day.
4. National Ice Cream Day. So I realize it's Sunday and that technically means it's next week already, but I just can't let this go. Everybody knows that "National Whatever Day" should always fall Monday through Friday. This is so you can hear about it on the way in to work and stop and get extreme deals/free stuff so you can talk all about it with your co-workers and look like you're totally in the know about shit (which you're not). Or, if the "National Whatever Day" requires some sort of ribbon for awareness, then you would wear said ribbon to make other people think you care about shit (which you don't). But National Ice Cream Day on a Sunday? Could we have gotten more advertising on this? Because I only found out about it a few hours ago on Twitter--already in my pajamas and sitting out a horrible storm that blew half a tree into my yard and knocked the power out in the middle of my brussel sprout roasting. And really, who is going to see you long enough to be jealous on a Sunday?
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