I have a lot of creative and beautiful friends. Some of them are successful and a pretty big deal, some of them just tinker with their outlets. Others have been there, done that and have moved on to other things. I love and respect and encourage them all. But what happens when a friend wants to share their latest and/or first real project with you and it's...um, embarrassing? And not in a good way?
And before I get started on this story let me say in advance that if ever in all of my years of writing and performing and just being out there in general that I have ever made any one I know feel this way even for 10 seconds, please bring it to my attention immediately. I mean. How. Mortifying. Just tell me now so I can put us all out of our misery. Actually you really don't have to, I know when I've bombed.
Anyway back to my judgement lacking friend. I've known him nearly my whole life. He's smart and hot and charming. There was a point in time when his mother was convinced we'd make her grandchildren when we were all grown up. But I only ever really saw him play with groups of friends, though there was always talk of gigs and bands and such. He's been living out of state for years now and through various social media outlets I see pictures and clubs and groupie comments. And then recently I got a text to check out his new band. And their new video. At first I thought it was a joke, like maybe he was spoofing assholes or something, but then I realized he was serious. Oops.
Imagine you were a 15 year old boy in 1993 and you were the type who hadn't been laid yet and really hadn't done any underage drinking or drugs. You probably used the word "soul" a lot in your writing. And that's how you named your band. Only it's worse.
Because he was like 18 in 1993 and had done all the drugs ever and been laid a lot.
Now imagine that 15 year old boy still idolized Layne Staley at 40 and wanted to make sure you knew it. And let's say all of his like minded friends convinced him to be a part of a video in the middle of the woods with a gross girl in a slip dress and chipped toenail polish moping around a guy with a man bun. And then for no reason at all the scene in the woods cuts to a coffin in a hearse. And this work of art cost slightly less to film than the "buy here, pay here" car dealer commercial that runs after midnight in your hometown.
I would say I have no words, but obviously I do. Because I'm a dick. So after I watched the video-three times, to make sure I had the link right-I sent a simple text back. It went like this: !! (and then the kissy face emoji).
Is there anything I can do here? Am I obligated to discuss this when he comes for a visit soon? Will he ask me to "jam" with him? Can I distract him with my equally embarrassing stacks of Moleskines?What to do?
To be continued...
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