Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Weekly Walk With Me

9 Burning Questions I Need Answers to This Week

1.Why do so many trashy girls become nurses?

2.Why is there never a bathroom emergency until I've just finished painting my nails?

3.How is it that all people named Pat or Terry actually look like people who should be named Pat or Terry?

4.Tootsie Rolls are soft and chewy, have olden times packaging, and virtually no bells and whistles-why are they not considered old lady candy?

5.How do I only stain up a brand new shirt, and manage to practically change the oil of a car in an old holy one and not get a drop on it?

6.Why don't more people know what their local indie radio stations are?

7.How is Hillary Clinton still a thing?

8.Am I ever going to write anything worth a shit, or continue with these weekly lists and old stories?

9.Why is day drinking so much better than run of the mill drinking after dark?

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